Ummm. Dick Cheney. HUGE PIECE OF SHIT. HUGE. I am sure most of you have heard his name. Maybe even know something about him. He was the Vice President of the United States under George W. Bush. And I do not know if I mentioned this, but he was an absolute monster. A just awful person. And the public, the majority of the public has and had no idea. Including me. Until I watched this movie that is based on his vice presidency. He changed America and the World dramatically acting as a puppeteer behind the scenes of Americas most important decisions. It is really fascinating and it will make your blood boil too. This movie defines a SOLID FILM. You learn a lot about the Bush years, which if you remember quite a few things happened. And how decisions were made and the mysterious man behind them. Educate yo self and give this a watch. That is a review.

VICE: 6.8