It is hard to rate a movie like this. If we are rating it in my system. It is no doubt an EXCELLENT FUCKING MOVIE. But, it is animation. There is no actual “ACTING”. RIght? Not going to lie I rounded this up from 7.9 because it is so enjoyable. And really a cute movie that makes you feel good. It is an absolute feel good happy movie. But it again, its aimed mostly at kids, and it is animation. I did not find it WILDLY thought provoking. But you could think about stuff after but really it is what is is. An excellent feel good movie. And it will leave you feeling happy and satisfied after. Like basically every Pixar movie. Couple tear jerker moments. Couple of moments that you can relate to real life that make you feel things.
This might be the fist score I played with a little, I will be honest, but I had to compensate for it being animation. I am fine with the score. Everyone will love this movie. All ages. That is a review.