This movie has an all star cast. Don Cheadle, Guy Pierce and a whole bunch of HEY THAT GUYS.

The movie is about a man who is a devout muslim, living in the Middle East, who supplies bombs to a terrorist organization. Gets in deep with them. Works his way up. The man is Cheadle. Former USA marine special forces.

USA think this man has turned on the USA for this organization what the FBI doesn’t know is he is secretly a mole working. undercover for an even HIGHER up organization to get to the top of the chain.

This movie is okay. I think they coulda done more but kinda sloppy writing IMO. Cheadle is okay in it, everything about this movie is just OKAY. I didn’t hate it. I wouldn’t watch it again. It is borderline not good but just barely cracks SOLID FILM. Barely. That is a review.



