This is going to send anyone who reads this into an absolute panicked frenzy I am sure. But like I have stated many times before here, this is a safe place. One where you can be honest and speak the truth. Daniel Day Lewis was fantastic as an actor in this film. Unfortunately for me, everything else did not live up to that performance.
This came out the same year and summer as No Country for Old Men. And is debated on which is better. To me, that is absurd. No Country for Old Men is an Outstanding Masterpiece. This is exactly as the score implies. A REALLY GOOD FILM. And that’s NOT a bad thing. A really good film is great honor. Worth a watch. I think it just might be a. bit overrated when you go back and watch it.
Again, a great performance by DDL. Masterful. But slow. And predictable. A western feeling oil tycoon come up that is virtually all dialogue from DDL. Which again is great. But there was nothing else. Granted the side fighting with creepy church boy who always plays some weirdo creep in every movie is incredible as well, there isn’t enough in this film to warrant anything more than a really good film. Which again, IS OKAY. That is a review.