Christian Bale is the best actor of our generation. Do not even at me. And Wahlberg is incredible in everything he does. This is a REALLY GOOD MOVIE literally on the cusp on excellent.

Wahlberg plays a boxer living in his brother shadow. His brother Bale is a former big time boxer who got hooked on drugs and is in and out of jail. Amy Admas makes a great cameo too. BTW based on a true story. This is such an awesome story with an awesome cast about a boxer who broke all odds while dealing with a psycho family.

Fun fact about my favorite actor ever. Christian bale lived with crack heads for 3 months to understand how to play this role. Read that again. He is incredible. This is just another incredible roll from him. Super high end REALLY GOOD MOVIE , border line excellent. Either way worth your time and fucking awesome. Bale is sensational. That is a review.



