This movie is about notorious serial killer Ted Kryzynski. One of the most notorious in United States history, also known as the UNA-BOMBER. I did not know much about what Ted did, how he did it, what was done, I just knew I had heard his name and he was infamous.
I left this movie not knowing anything about what he did, how he did it or what was exactly done lol. I mean how on earth do you butcher a movie about someone like this so much.
Instead of showing the viewers WHAT he did to kill people, it just spent the whole movie showing you HOW he lived in seclusion in the woods. HOW he was poor. HOW he was annoyed of planes flying over head and making noise. It was really bizarre.
You knew he was sending packages that were blowing up but no idea on the damage or how many he sent out or that he was wanted so badly it was just so full of holes. I shouldn’t watch a based on true story movie about someone and have to go spend time after looking up what they did.
This movie STINKS. Save your time and read his wikipedia. That is a review.