3 hour for a movie is a really long time. 3 hours for a musical movie is an eternity. 3 hours of a musical movie that occasionally has a really corny song and I mean really corny song is a marathon that is an eternity. But this movie is a ABSOLUTE blast IDC.
This is an absolute freaking ride, full of INCREDIBLE fight scenes. Blow your face off visuals, I mean blow your freaking face off. Through some of the incredibly corny songs, there are sweet dance scenes. Underneath it all a classic tale of Indias caste system and as well a cheesy but solid love story and an even cheesier but solid friendship story that will make you actually kinda get into some feels and thoughts.
But the point is, this is an EXCELLENT FREAKING FILM, nothing short of a wild ride and worth the 3 hours IMO. That is a review. Just have fun with it. And the ridiculousness of it.