Woof. This movie STINKS. One of Netflix new releases, a remake of an 80s version that appears to not stink. I will just get to a couple points here on this brutal movie:
- Adam Brody as recently released prison guy who kills people, just no. It is as awful as it reads.
- His best friend who is like 6’7 260 gets into a fight with him over the gun and somehow loses the fight. To what, 6’0 150 pound Brody. It is the silliest fight scene ever made.
- The way that Brody obtains a gun and randomly keeps finding magazine rounds and somehow is well versed in this even though he only went to prison for taking the fall on a cocaine bust is truly ridiculous.
- The camper who almost saves them, why the fuck did he just not grab the gun when Brody was sleeping lmao. Brody was asleep. Instead he makes a bunch of noise trying to untie them.
This movie is so unbelievably dumb and besides that it takes a solid 45 min for literally anyone to die. I did give it 6.5 for visuals though, so if you want to see some gorgeous visuals of the northeast forest and rivers, in a movie that is truly pitiful, look no further. That is a review.