I mean this is just Shia Leboufs lane and I love it. I said it earlier in my review of (forget name but if you scroll its there, I think its called honey boy, yeah that’s it), he picks these INDIE feeling movies, where he seems like he’s not even acting and he’s being himself. And they are all dramas that pack comedy with life lesson.

I love this lane for him. I have not NOT enjoyed one of his movies in so long. Because of this lane.

Shia plays a character that goes on a walking voyage after destroying some jerks he works for fishing dock after they don’t pay him. He flees the area on foot as they are after him, and he wants out anyway. Needed a new start.

On the way he stumbles upon a young man with down syndrome who has escaped the facility he is currently rotting away in. Shia sees this and invites him on this journey south, when he realizes this kid, wants to be a wrestler, and there is a camp. This camp is on his route to where he’s going, to find a new life that he’s heard is beautiful, in Florida.

What unfolds is a beautiful story of two unlikely companions, making their way by foot, to their destination with plenty of events in between. It is touching and it is beautiful.

This is a REALLY GOOD MOVIE. That is a review.



