Here are the 5 places a movie will land. A score between 9-10: OUTSTANDING MASTERPIECE drop what you are doing and go watch this movie right now, an absolute legendary film. 8-9: EXCELLENT FUCKING MOVIE requires a watch ASAP. 7-8: REALLY GOOD MOVIE add this to your list immediately. 6-7: SOLID FILM it did its job of entertaining you and you are not walking away disappointed. BELOW A 6: THIS MOVIE STINKS. Tell someone you hate its good and to watch it.
This will be my best review yet. My gf put it on and I was hammered. What I do remember: So there ya go. SOLID FILM lol. That is a review.
Charlize Theron alert. She’s great man. She is so damn sassy and I 100% buy it. Plus she’s a smoke show. ANYYYYYYWAY. This is a standard SOLID FILM. Would not rewatch, but am not mad I saw it. It did its job and entertained me for a few hours. Wam Bam Thank you Ma’am. Charlize…
A movie that received much Oscar praise and was up for a MILLION award including best film. It did not win. Thankfully. There would have been riots in every city across America. Look, I don’t know what it was in this movie but I will do my best to be quick about it. A murder…
WELL WELL WELL… Look who it is. Ryan MFING Gosling back at it again. With a movie you PROBABLY have never heard of. I had seen it a while ago, maybe 8 years ago, but rewatched it the other day for the sake of the site. And WOW. What a gem. This is an EXCELLENT…
This could end up being a longer post. Buckle up. I was not sure if this was going to crack outstanding masterpiece. I actually thought it would land in the high 8’s. But it made it. An OUTSTANDING MASTERPIECE! Let me talk about all the greatness, then I will explain why I was not sure…
I am not even gonna look at what others rated this movie. I am happy with my score. I think this is perfect. So whatever anyone has to say I could care less. This is a movie that is just pure entertainment. And it is really fun. It was made laugh. Also had some intense…
How much time should I spend on movies that absolutely SUCK. Probably not a lot of time. This is not a good movie by any stretch. Why? The premise is okay. It almost apocalyptic. A family lives in the woods and off ovf what they catch and grow and find. Mom wants the daughter to…
For a movie that has absolutely ZERO visuals, and takes place in 3 rooms the whole movie, they sure got the absolute most out of it. It is an absolute gripping thriller from the jump. It is endlessly thought provoking. Wildly interesting. And the acting was very authentic. This military movie will leave you with…
A kinda clunky true story film about an undercover CIA operative who gets her identity blown for a reason I still don’t understand. Which is why the score is so low. Because you know I love true stories and never has a true story been less than a 6. This came close. A via undercover…
This is going to be maybe my longest review I have ever written? So either just say meh, fuck it, or buckle up. It has been maybe 10 years since I have watched this? I was 25. Young and immature. Well now I am older and immature just maybe know a few things better. It…
Got any book recommendations?