Here are the 5 places a movie will land. A score between 9-10: OUTSTANDING MASTERPIECE drop what you are doing and go watch this movie right now, an absolute legendary film. 8-9: EXCELLENT FUCKING MOVIE requires a watch ASAP. 7-8: REALLY GOOD MOVIE add this to your list immediately. 6-7: SOLID FILM it did its job of entertaining you and you are not walking away disappointed. BELOW A 6: THIS MOVIE STINKS. Tell someone you hate its good and to watch it.
I am standing on business with this review. This movie ABSOLUTELY SUCKS. Not stinks. SUCKS. An absolutely all star cast. Bale, Ferrell and about 6 other people you would know right away. It is pretty cringe to me that all these actors decided to be in this crap. This is a real life version of…
This movie is about notorious serial killer Ted Kryzynski. One of the most notorious in United States history, also known as the UNA-BOMBER. I did not know much about what Ted did, how he did it, what was done, I just knew I had heard his name and he was infamous. I left this movie…
Jennifer Connelly is in a pretty remarkable amount of GREAT MOVIES. I did the SHAQ “im sorry I was not familiar with your game” when I looked at her imdb. This is not one of them lol. This movie actually is fucking ridiculous. Really ridiculous. It is the ridiculousness of the movie that had me…
I mean this is just Shia Leboufs lane and I love it. I said it earlier in my review of (forget name but if you scroll its there, I think its called honey boy, yeah that’s it), he picks these INDIE feeling movies, where he seems like he’s not even acting and he’s being himself.…
This movie hit home for me a little harder maybe than most because what happened to Ben Affleck in this movie quite literally happened to me. So for me, this one was a good watch as it was equally tough, as it re-visited a terrible time in my life. With that being said, it brings…
This was an EXCELLENT FUCKING FILM. Absolutely. I think they screwed up with a few of the Batman’s but in my opinion, this is the second best of the Batman’s behind the Dark Knight. What I liked about this, compared to the Dark Knight was, this was darker. This focused much less on Bruce Wayne…
Sci Fi is my jam. It is rare I do not LOVE a sci film. Did not love this one. Did not hate it. Buuuuuuutttt. It was close to sucking. A journalist who is out a career recently, after being disgraced, finds herself diving into the world of conspiracy theories. As she digs deeper into…
Right there at it could have been a low end REALLY GOOD MOVIE or high end SOLID FILM. Honestly either way. I enjoyed it. Ben Kingsley. He has forever been a THAT GUY but now I know his name. I have seen far too many movies with him in it, and he’s ALWAYS solid. SO…
This will be my best review yet. My gf put it on and I was hammered. What I do remember: So there ya go. SOLID FILM lol. That is a review.
Charlize Theron alert. She’s great man. She is so damn sassy and I 100% buy it. Plus she’s a smoke show. ANYYYYYYWAY. This is a standard SOLID FILM. Would not rewatch, but am not mad I saw it. It did its job and entertained me for a few hours. Wam Bam Thank you Ma’am. Charlize…
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