Here are the 5 places a movie will land. A score between 9-10: OUTSTANDING MASTERPIECE drop what you are doing and go watch this movie right now, an absolute legendary film. 8-9: EXCELLENT FUCKING MOVIE requires a watch ASAP. 7-8: REALLY GOOD MOVIE add this to your list immediately. 6-7: SOLID FILM it did its job of entertaining you and you are not walking away disappointed. BELOW A 6: THIS MOVIE STINKS. Tell someone you hate its good and to watch it.
Look there are a lot of things in life people feel forced to say to comply with society. “Tupac and Biggie are the best rappers ever”. “Michael Jordan is the best ever”. Another is “Inception is a great movie.” I am here to tell you this is a safe place to admit that it stinks.…
A man and his wife decide they are going to raise their family of 5, maybe 6 kids off the grid completely. They are living in the deep forest of Oregon and are completely self sufficient. The parents educate their kids, they all have duties and jobs and have no outside communication with the world.…
I love a movie that puts me in my feels. So you will see a lot of dramas here on my page. I just love to feel empathy or sadness when watching movies. I know it is weird. But how often do we feel those emotions? This movie tells the story of a man in…
Who does NOT love Denzel. It is not even like. It is LOVE. I have yet to meet a human that does not love Denzel Washington or his movies. FBI if you are reading this and you find anyone against Denzel, get to work. Denzel plays a character who is a bad alcoholic and loves…
This film couldn’t be more relevant right now given where we are with A.I. This movie right here, is an EXCELLENT FUCKING MOVIE. Re-watchable. You will want to tell others to watch it. It’s excellent. The story follows a young man working for a company owned by like the modern day combo of Mark Zuckerberg…
This movie is really slow. And is ONLY dialogue. And 99% of the dialogue is in one room. So if you are a person who gets bored easily, this isn’t your film. But again, as you know, true story movies get me going. Reality tells the true story of American whistleblower Reality Winner ( I…
This movie felt like “Arrival” except if Arrival kinda sucked. Which it ABSOLUTELY does NOT and I will get to that review. Similar premise though. Alien life form on earth. Female professor who is an expert in field gets brought in my military to figure out the issue or how to solve it. Sounds really…
Just an all time classic comedy. Start to finish. Great one liners. Great cast. The concept is funny. Memorable scenes. Incredible amount of laughter. A group of girls who do not know each other are the bridesmaids for a girl and she has two friends essentially fighting over who is closer to her than the…
I believe this is the best movie I have ever seen. When put all together, good luck finding a better one. I have watched it 50 times, at this point, just to feel things. This movie is as close to a perfect movie as you can get. But buckle up for a feelings roller coaster.…
Benedict Cumberbatch. Best name in movies? Absolutely. Almost gave an extra .1 for it. Look I’ve told you. The way to my heart in movies is a select handful of actors and TRUE STORIES. I especially love stories related to war. This is NOTHING like your standard true story war movie on the front lines…
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