Welcome! I hope you enjoy reading my reviews as much as I enjoy writing them!

My name is Matthew. I watch A LOT of movies. Come here for movie recommendations and or to see if you feel the same way about a movie as me. My self created movie review system is simple. 7 categories for a movie. 1. How was the storytelling ? 2. Was it thought provoking? 3. Did it make you FEEL something? 4. How was the acting? 5. How were the visuals? 6. Was it interesting? 7. What was the overall enjoyment. Each category I score 1 through 10, I add total and divide it by the amount of categories (7) and BOOM, there is a score. Good system, from a person who is not a snobby movie reviewer, just an average guy who LOVES to watch movies. Now, once I have a number, it has to fall into a category.

Here are the 5 places a movie will land. A score between 9-10: OUTSTANDING MASTERPIECE drop what you are doing and go watch this movie right now, an absolute legendary film. 8-9: EXCELLENT FUCKING MOVIE requires a watch ASAP. 7-8: REALLY GOOD MOVIE add this to your list immediately. 6-7: SOLID FILM it did its job of entertaining you and you are not walking away disappointed. BELOW A 6: THIS MOVIE STINKS. Tell someone you hate its good and to watch it.

  • KNOWING: 5

    Back to NICK CAGE. Ok I guess it is Denzel Washington and Nick Cage week. So if you read my recent review of Nick Cages “Dream Scenario” you know I feel like he is simply a ridiculous script taker and the range of ridiculousness is hilarious. Well, add another one to the list. Ok ,…



    TWO DENZELS IN ONE WEEK. Forget Shark Week, its Denzel WEEK. I actually had never seen this movie. But I was in search of Denzel this week and it popped up and boom. This is really odd movie. A star studded cast. Bunch of A listers in this. It is an adaptation of an older…



    I don’t know where he ranks, but Nicholas Cage is up there in terms of 1. Range 2. Amount of ridiculous roles. Like his 1 and 2 are combined. It is this unique blend of range in ridiculous roles. So many of his scripts and roles and the movies are just laughable. And yet he…

  • DEJA VU: 5.2

    DEJA VU: 5.2

    Like everyone my age, I saw this movie in Denzel Washingtons GOD MODE run from 2002-2010 where he just put out so many hits we could not keep track. This movie was sandwiched into that run. I was maybe 10-12 when I saw it. Chopped it up to “another Denzel classic”. Well I am certainly…



    This movie has a lot of hype. Like, people have this as one of the best movies of the last 30 years. Uh, I think those people are insane. Ok. Let me try to give you the most realistic, simple definition of this movie, and you decide if this can possibly be AN ALL TIME…

  • CIVIL WAR: 5.5

    CIVIL WAR: 5.5

    My god. I wanted to like this movie. I really did. It fit into every narrative I currently think about the USA at the moment. I think often about how we are on a doomsday crash course right into civil war. How it is completely unavoidable. How we are naive to think we aren’t. So…



    This actually was my favorite movie when I was kid. I remember the first time watching it. Where I was and just how blown away I was at the ending. My head FUCKING POPPED OFF my body. A little more subdued on the re-watch but still, fucking great ending. Again, go 90’s Kevin Spacey. This…

  • SEVEN: 8.9

    SEVEN: 8.9

    Ok I have broken my beef with pre 2000 movies. Kinda. The next few will be mid 90s. I had not watched this movie since I was like 12? I honestly did not even remember it enough to even know what happens. AND OH BOY WAS I HAPPY. This movie fucking rocks. This is an…



    Will Ferrell in a really wholesome drama. Never thought I would type those words. Will Ferrells character loses his job of 30 years where he’s a top salesman and loses his wife to divorce on the same day. He comes home to ALL his stuff on the lawn with all the locks changed. His wife…

  • THE KING: 8.1

    THE KING: 8.1

    War movie, taking place in 15th century France and England. Think game of Thrones. Very much in that world. Except this is VERY LOOSELY based on some actual events that either happened or were somewhat similar in the history of France and England. Timothy Chamalet and Robert Pattinson put on brilliant performances. Chamalet as the…

Got any book recommendations?