Welcome! I hope you enjoy reading my reviews as much as I enjoy writing them!

My name is Matthew. I watch A LOT of movies. Come here for movie recommendations and or to see if you feel the same way about a movie as me. My self created movie review system is simple. 7 categories for a movie. 1. How was the storytelling ? 2. Was it thought provoking? 3. Did it make you FEEL something? 4. How was the acting? 5. How were the visuals? 6. Was it interesting? 7. What was the overall enjoyment. Each category I score 1 through 10, I add total and divide it by the amount of categories (7) and BOOM, there is a score. Good system, from a person who is not a snobby movie reviewer, just an average guy who LOVES to watch movies. Now, once I have a number, it has to fall into a category.

Here are the 5 places a movie will land. A score between 9-10: OUTSTANDING MASTERPIECE drop what you are doing and go watch this movie right now, an absolute legendary film. 8-9: EXCELLENT FUCKING MOVIE requires a watch ASAP. 7-8: REALLY GOOD MOVIE add this to your list immediately. 6-7: SOLID FILM it did its job of entertaining you and you are not walking away disappointed. BELOW A 6: THIS MOVIE STINKS. Tell someone you hate its good and to watch it.



    Wow. I just got done rewatching this movie. I am trying to emotionally recover. I am literally staring at the screen just kinda stuck. Do not know where to begin. I am not gonna lie, I am a movie cryer. I do not care if you judge me. I cried at least 10 times during…



    Mystery, Sci-FI, Comedy, Fantasy? All wrapped into one. I honestly don’t even know what genre those 4 create but that is what this was. And it was awesome. A drug dealer in the hood, a pimp in the hood and and escort in the hood all realize things in the hood are starting to get…

  • DUNKIRK: 9.5

    DUNKIRK: 9.5

    Christopher Nolans best film IMO. Which is saying a lot, since he only does masterpiece films. This movie is an ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE. No movie is perfect but it is really close. Based on a true story, this movie shows, from 3 different vantage points, the escape of 400,000 English soldiers from Dunkirk Beach in France…

  • BARBIE: 9

    BARBIE: 9

    Remember, I go through 7 criteria, give each an independent score, then add them all up and divide by 7 to get my scores. It has amazed me so far, how the number it ends up being, is kind of exactly what I felt like it was afterwards. I think that’s kudos to me on…



    IN 2012 this gem was somehow snuck into the movie world undetected by me. Took my 11 years to find but better late than never. WOW. What a movie. Warning, this is a DRAMA. Heavy subject content. But that as you know is my favorite. Think of the movie crash. It is very much like…

  • ARRIVAL: 9.3

    ARRIVAL: 9.3

    This is an OUTSTANDING MASTERPIECE. Steps up to the microphone and taps the microphone to make sure it’s working and yells from top of my lungs “THIS IS AN OUTSTANDING MASTERPIECE.” To be expected from Denis Villenueve. He seems to only make masterpieces. This sci-fi drama is unlike any alien movie I have ever seen.…

  • THE REPORT: 8.9

    THE REPORT: 8.9

    Adam Driver delivers a really incredible performance portraying FBI agent Daniel Jones, in this true story about post 9/11 torture tactics that were used by the United States government, authorized by the Bush administration. What the United States did to Muslim suspected terrorists at GITMO is largely unknown by the mainstream American society. I have…

  • I CARE A LOT: 7.8

    I CARE A LOT: 7.8

    That lady I mention a lot who always is playing some crazy ass character in movies. Well she is at it again. Rosamund Pike. Being peak crazy lady. She plays a woman who completely rips off lonely old people with no family, basically getting them to unknowingly commit to homes (they are in on it)…

  • GET OUT: 7.4

    GET OUT: 7.4

    This movie came out and IMMEDIATELY it felt like took the movie world by storm. Cleaned up the awards. Super high ranking on both Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB. After re watching it a few times I honestly feel that this is low on the very good movie end. I think it was overhyped because Jordan…

  • RRR: 8.4

    RRR: 8.4

    3 hour for a movie is a really long time. 3 hours for a musical movie is an eternity. 3 hours of a musical movie that occasionally has a really corny song and I mean really corny song is a marathon that is an eternity. But this movie is a ABSOLUTE blast IDC. This is…

Got any book recommendations?