I am fairly positive no one knows of this movie. This is the space I thrive. This movie is an absolute GEM. It is a slow drama ( again that’s my thing ) with an absolute monster cast. A trio of Casey Affleck, Christian Bale and Woody Harrelson. You CANNOT lose with those 3.
This movie takes place in the rust belt in one of those towns with only one job at the local plant and everyone else is either on drugs or jail and everyone is poor. Casey and Christian are brothers. Casey a former very good boxer, sees a way out of this life by street fighting in the hills of West Virginia for money. Its a dangerous world that his brother (Bale) tries to keep him from. You mix in an absolutely bat shit crazy drugged up Woody Harrelson as the antagonizer and you have a damn good movie here. This is something that you have to have said you have seen. You just must. Great watch. Great feels. Great story. Great acting. Just do it. This is a REALLY GOOD MOVIE. That is a review