Long have I said Casey Affleck is SUPER UNDERRATED. He is in the Ryan Gosling territory of ‘show me one bad movie he’s ever been in’. You cannot. No way Jose. This is just another EXCELLENT FREAKING FILM with him.

It is not going to blow you away. There are no crazy stunts or visuals or twists. It is just a pure and wholesome movie that is basically pure dialogue and feels. Lot’s of feels. Lots of wholesome scenes. Lots of thought provocation.

A man with a really tough past has to return home, when his brother dies, leaving one kid, his nephew behind. Going home brings with it a lot of emotions and flashbacks of unhappy memories. Casey Afflecks character is broken already, and now has to be the guardian responsible for his 16 year old nephew and figure out what to do. I found the story telling to be beautiful, as it uses flashbacks wonderfully to tell the story of the main character and the others around him. It will tug at the ole heart strings for sure. And top to bottom its just really a beautiful film. That is a review.



