Look I’ll keep this really short honestly. And I want to clarify, I LOVE hunger games. I love it. So I am not against this genre. I see Harry Potter and this and Hunger Games. But here is all I will say.
Why the FUCK did that warlock guy make that poor kid take that ring knowing all that pressure was on him and could be killed. Than why did that kid take all his friends with him on this journey for no reason to get killed. They had a nice life. So stupid. And then we spin 3 long LONG ass movies outta fucking over this kid with some ring to save the world. Why didn’t the magic guy just take it.
Here kid go risk your life with your friends to save the world and ill ruin your life and by the way each movie will be 3 hours. Just fucking awful. This franchise SUCKS. Trash dork crap. That is a review.