This is one of those movies where, like most comedies it’s just going to get effected negatively a bit due to my scoring system. Here is the nuts and bolts.
This is a dramCOM. When I went to get my score overall enjoyment is a 10. Which, I think, really is the most important of all 7, right? IF I cared THAT much id have the categories weighted but I don’t so there ya go. Absolute 10 for enjoyment. Start to finish. This is an absolute all star cast. All star. 4 A listers and a couple more B listers. It is funny as shit all the way through while also being really heart felt and touching at moments and sad. It hits every single chord of feelings. Which is why I scored it a 9 for feels too. EXACTLY what you want in a dramCOM. So if you want a stellar dramCOM this is it.
A struggling financially family, that is very eclectic, and full of funny characters travels across the country to get their little daughter into a beauty pageant they know she stands no chance of winning. The family consists of daughter, son, mom, dad, Grandpa and Uncle (Steve carrell) who recently tried to kill himself. Each person in the family is so different and adds a great layer to the movie. It follows their crazy adventure across state lines in their little Volkswagen van.
This is a very high end REALLY GOOD MOVIE. It cannot as a whole be excellent because in DRAMcoms you don’t get visuals usually, or it is not wildly INTERESTING and their aren’t incredible story lines you are a following. But like I have said many times, 7.7 is a fuckig great score. A 7.7 in my scoring for a rom com or a dram com might as well be a fucking 10. So there ya go. That is a review.