Rotten Tomatoes gave this a 99%. I mean.. To call this movie basically perfect is a BIT of an overreaction lol. Nominated for a bunch of awards, not sure how many they won. Also on a ton of lists of BEST movies of the 21st century. I think this score makes absolutely perfect sense.
This movie follows the path of a young, awkward high school girl navigating the world as a senior in high school who is finding herself. It is a heartfelt and emotional dramady that perfectly captures the struggles of a young teen at that stage in life. College choices, pressures from family, peer pressure in school, desire to fit in and dating.
I really enjoyed this movie. It was fun but also very real. Raw emotions throughout. One of the greatest movies ever though? Not so much. But absolutely worth a watch. The main actress is sensational and I need to find more movies with her in it.
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