Back to NICK CAGE. Ok I guess it is Denzel Washington and Nick Cage week. So if you read my recent review of Nick Cages “Dream Scenario” you know I feel like he is simply a ridiculous script taker and the range of ridiculousness is hilarious. Well, add another one to the list.
Ok , I feel like anytime you start to review a Cage movie you need to take a deep breathe. Ok. Here we go.
Nick Cage is a single dad with a girl in school at a school where they had kids 50 years prior right memories in a time capsule. Well, 50 years has gone by and the school has a big celebration and open up the capsule. Inside the capsule, his daughter gets the submission of a girl who wrote this chaotic set up numbers that at first looks like absolute random jibberish. BUT FEAR NOT! Nick Cage was not to be fooled.
Nick deciphers that these numbers are ACTUALLY a set of dates and casualties. That have successfully predicted the last 50 years worth of catastrophes. THANK GOD FOR NICK CAGE. So the rest of the movie is NICK CAGE convincing the world that he knows what disasters are going to happen and STOPPING THEM.
Which is kind of now that I think about it, almost all Nick Cage movies haha. It is him DESPERATELY running around, convening everyone around him, THAT HE IS NOT CRAZY, and he has some info that will change or save the world. HA omg I actually just figured out how easy it is to make a movie for him.
Anyway, that’s it. I feel no more needs to be said. It is STANDARD NICK CAGE. I AM THE ONLY ONE ON EARTH THAT CAN STOP SOMETHING I AM NOT CRAZY LISTEN TO ME! And well, like most nick cage movies, this one stinks. Not like a horrible stink though. Hence the 5. Its laughably entertaining for a little. But it just ends up being as dumb as most of his movies. Movie STINKS. That is a review.