Who the hell keeps giving M Night Shamalam money to make movies? Who keeps telling him his movies are good? Where does he get the confidence to keep putting out movies? I am so confused by him. He is the worst director of our generation. Yet here he is, in 2023 still churning out shit movies. Either he is 1. delusional and filthy rich on his own 2. knows insane secrets about people and uses the leverage 3. married into a powerful family.
The movie is about a group of crazy people who show up at a cabin and they think the world is ending and they have to sacrifice someone or the whole world will end that day or something along those lines. And they are polite and unscary. Like isn’t he supposed to be making scary movies? Why does it seem like his movies are always G rated scary movies lol. Like the kids bop of scary movies?
I really just wanted to make fun of M Night Shamala (by the way get over yourself with that name), and spend no time on the movie cause it STINKS and is not worth your time. That is a review.