I am a broken record but Casey Affleck is just SO SEVERELY underrated. I have never seen him in a sub 7 movie. Just flies under the radar as a stellar actor and the roles he takes just always seem to be perfect. This is actually a star studded cast too. Besides him, Morgan Freeman, Amy Ryan , Ed Harris even a Michael K Williams appearance.

Casey Affleck is a private investigator. He gets hired by a very desperate family to find their missing daughter, who was abducted in the middle of the night. The daughter belongs to Amy Ryan, who btw, has INCREDIBLE range as an actor my god. To play Holly Flax in the office and ALSO play this character is pretty incredible. Her character is a very strung out on drugs, selfish, floozy mother who is neglectful and has NO business being a mother. BUT, her sister in law who is actually a very good person, TOO good in fact, goes out of HER way to pay any and all parties to find her niece.

What unfolds the rest of the movie is just an incredible ride of mysteries, twists and turns and ups and downs. Casey, hired by the family starts to work WITH the police (which is only reason I kinda docked it points because you’ll see its a little unrealistic how much they let him get away with haha) but they work together using Caseys connections to put the pieces together. They believe they know exactly what happened to her, they know she is still alive so we spend the movie seeing it unfold.

This is maybe on the Mount Rushmore of one of the most interesting plot twists in a movie I’ve ever seen but it CERTAINLY is on the Mount Rushmore of THOUGHT PROVOKING, HOLY SHIT wtf would I as the viewer have done ever. You’ll think about it a while. You’ll have some seriously interesting convos if you watch it with people. Highly enjoyed this EXCELLENT FUCKING FILM. That is a review.



