GET OUT: 7.4

This movie came out and IMMEDIATELY it felt like took the movie world by storm. Cleaned up the awards. Super high ranking on both Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB. After re watching it a few times I honestly feel that this is low on the very good movie end. I think it was overhyped because Jordan Peele is an actual genius. I do not think this is the genius movie it is made out the though.

A black man heads to his white girl friends families home where things become truly a nightmare for him as he is in for the worst vacation ever as her family nothing he could ever imagine. And I understand the deeper critical thinking undertones here, I personally just don’t believe they are as deep as made out to be. I also did not find it to be scary. I don’t know. I do not dislike the movie, but if we are talking about just movie enjoyment and experience, honestly I thought US was much better.

Which is weird because I am all about movies with deep messages that our thought provoking as I have said many times. I felt it was not very deep. I think I am alone on this, or the only one to say it loud, but this is just barely a REALLY GOOD MOVIE. Not very rewatchable, not incredibly inspiring acting by anyone and was fun at a lot of moments, but I personally do not get the massive hype it got and still receives. That s a review



