I am starting to realize that I REALLY think Leo and DDL over act. I am not saying they are bad actors. But for some reason, I think DDL for sure OVER acts he’s always screaming and yelling and kinda the same dude and then LEO, I cannot tell what is with him. Is he the most over hyped actor of all time? I don’t know if I can say that, because he isn’t bad. He’s not amazing. But he’s really good. But to the movie community he is god. Is it me? Maybe. I just don’t see it with him. EVER.

This movie has all the trimmings of a movie I would love. Based on time in the past, all star cast, revenge and a great director. To me though, it was, if we are being BRUTALLY honest. It was SLOW. Slow is fine. If characters are developed. But no character was developed. It was just instantly Leo having sex with Cam Diaz and DDL being a psycho. But then its just this KINDA revenge story. That is my issue with the movie. I am all in on a FULL ON REVENGE movie but for 2 hours of the movie you don’t even know LEO is out for revenge. And its just a bunch of words and stereotypes. I am also docking it points because people think its some generational film. It is not. It is a SOLID MOVIE. No more no less. That is a review.



