Category: Movie Review



    This movie has a 7.1 on IMDB. um. What the fuck movie did they watch. Yikes. This movie absolutely STINKS. This had the possibility of being really good. It kept teasing like it was really gonna be good. And every chance it had it blew. A Louisiana girl, attempts to save her family bar from…

  • PARASITE: 8.7

    PARASITE: 8.7

    This movie fucking rocks. I mean if you have not seen this movie yet, stop everything and go see it right now. FUCK. It is really good. You have to do subtitles which is fine, but if you can do that, it is so worth it. This is a very intense thriller about a very…

  • UP: 8.1

    UP: 8.1

    It is hard to rate a movie like this. If we are rating it in my system. It is no doubt an EXCELLENT FUCKING MOVIE. But, it is animation. There is no actual “ACTING”. RIght? Not going to lie I rounded this up from 7.9 because it is so enjoyable. And really a cute movie…

  • MUDBOUND: 7.5

    MUDBOUND: 7.5

    These movies are tough to rate. They are devastatingly sad, biopics of what life was like for black southern Americans who came home after proudly serving their country. They are hard to rate because they are just really sad. It convolutes the scoring a bit because, DID I enjoy it? Fuck no. It made me…

  • PANDORIUM: 3.6

    PANDORIUM: 3.6

    Dennis Quaid. Just gonna lay that name out there. Let it simmer for a second. Ahhhhh. Feels awful doesn’t it? Ha ha. Is he the worst A list celebrity there is? I mean you tell me one reason he is not? Every single movie he is in, stinks. Is Parent Trap his best movie? Is…

  • THE NUN 2: 4.7

    THE NUN 2: 4.7

    So I was on a plane and this was one of 4 movies I could watch. I had not watched a scary movie in a long time so I said let’s do it. It got me thinking though. It is gonna be really hard for a horror movie to crack a 7. I can see…



    A really twisty turny crime thriller with an absolute all star cast. Sean Penn, Kevin Bacon and Tim Robbins all star in this film. As boys, the 3 are playing out in the street when a guy pretending to be police officer comes up to them and drags one of the boys into the back…



    I dunno what happened here. I saw this a while back and THOUGHT I loved it. It is right in my wheel house. Tom Hardy. Dystopian future. Great visuals. But woof. I am glad I went and re watched so I could review. This was a shocker. I remember liking it, or thinking I liked…

  • TRAITOR: 6

    TRAITOR: 6

    This movie has an all star cast. Don Cheadle, Guy Pierce and a whole bunch of HEY THAT GUYS. The movie is about a man who is a devout muslim, living in the Middle East, who supplies bombs to a terrorist organization. Gets in deep with them. Works his way up. The man is Cheadle.…

  • OLD GUARD: 4.4

    OLD GUARD: 4.4

    I had been on this Charlize Theron kick lately. Like Shaq it was almost a ” I am sorry I was not familiar with your game”. And by chance her movies kept popping up when I would search for movies. SO I come across this movie Old Guard. Reads like a fun movie. Oh boy…