Not gonna lie, this scored a 5.8 but I rounded it 6. Took full authority of my site and I have those capabilities to do so.
I did not have the heart to say this movie stunk. Because I do not think it did. So I felt fine with a slight round up to get it a SOLID MOVIE.
I personally have an obsession with prison life and how it works and effects people so this movie was interesting to me. And how the system keeps people of color in them. This movie lazily touches on this and about prison life, so it had be engaged enough. The movie is actually about a young man named Bosco who is very smart and is known as a person who tries to escape prison.
Put away in max superprison with no human interaction and watched constantly, he hatches a plan to escape. Their are a ton of holes in how easily he does get this done but oh well. This feels like a movie where you either watch and go that was the dumbest movie I have ever seen because you can’t get passed how unrealistic some parts are or you ignore them and go for the ride. I went for the second. That is a review.