This movie felt like “Arrival” except if Arrival kinda sucked. Which it ABSOLUTELY does NOT and I will get to that review. Similar premise though. Alien life form on earth. Female professor who is an expert in field gets brought in my military to figure out the issue or how to solve it. Sounds really familiar if you have seen Arrival.

My issue with this movie is a couple things. 1. Jennifer Gardner wasn’t even top of her field of any capacity. She was not an author she was not published she, for what it seemed was a genealogy teacher at a local community college. Yet the military chose her to go in and figure out what was going on LOL. 2. She goes in with a group of woman. This alien form has been killing people and anything that enters it for 3 whole years. This group goes in and one of them dies, and another of the girls freaks out and demands they leave. Umm lady? Wtf did you think was going to happen? 3. They just hand 4 scientist woman a couple military style guns, with zero training and say GOOD LUCK!. This after 3 years was the USAs big plan? LOL. It just was really lazy and really dumb. And felt like the CHEAPEST version of an already brilliant movie.

It got some points for some actually really stunning visuals. And minor thought provoking. But minor. Than mixed in is some silly affair and love story of course. Bummer too because its a really good cast.

5.7 is close ENOUGH where maybe you say ok I will give it a spin. But only do so if you want to prove me wrong or you literally have nothing else to do, because this movie definitely STINKS. THAT is a review.



