Ashton Sanders now has appearance in two movies that are him playing a very similar role, I hope he does not get type casted, but if he does I do not mind because he really plays that role really well. He pairs with Jeffery Wright ( in a role you HAVE NEVER SEEN) its pretty remarkable to see Jeffery Wright as a hardened Oakland thug. These two are the stars of this movie which is right in my wheelhouse. A deep, thought provoking, sad drama.
It follows the life of a young man growing up in Oakland who gets sentenced to life in prison for murder. The murder isn’t exactly black and white. It goes much deeper. The great thing in this movie to me is the story telling. It is story that has been told many times but also cannot be told enough. The never ending cycle of violence, drugs and lack of escape that is found in low income, predominantly black neighborhoods of America. And how so often, the individuals in this community just stand ZERO chance from birth, of breaking out of the cycle of violence and crime. This movie won’t be fore everyone, but for me it is easily a REALLY GOOD MOVIE. We should never become numb to the injustice in America. That is a review.