Bet you have never heard of this movie. I bet you say that for about half the movies I watch. That is what I am here for. Also, I would like to clarify something. There seems to be this conception among folks that being a “6′ or a “7” is somehow bad? I have heard this from multiple people who come to my site. Let me clarify a few things.

There is nothing, I mean NOTHING, wrong with a SOLID MOVIE. Why you would not want to watch a solid movie is beyond me. Solid movies are worth one watch. You probably do not tell someone else to watch it and you might not watch it again yourself. OR MAYBE YOU DO! Because you like it more than me, I am just pointing out its in the ball park. And for 7, I mean I do not know how “REALLY GOOD FILM” gets written off as not worth someones time. Hey, here’s a really good film, ahhh no I am good. Says no one. Not everything is a 9. That doesn’t make these movies bad. Or not worth a watch. There are literal levels to this ish. Ok. With that being said, moving on.

HERE IS A PRETTY SOLID FILM. I RECOMMEND WATCHING IT ONCE. IT IS NOT BAD. Ok I have made my point. This movie is pretty straight forward. A traveling knife salesman is in a remote coffee shop off a desert highway minding his own business. Everyone in the coffee shop/ diners day changes dramatically when 2, on the run, bank robbers stop in because they are having car issues.

The few people inside quickly catch wind of who they are as its pretty well known, and their attempt to hide themselves and blend in is blown up. What ensues is a pretty fun thriller that takes place solely in the diner, in the form of a hostage/standoff situation. I enjoyed it. Go watch it. That is a review. It is a SOLID FILM.



