TWO DENZELS IN ONE WEEK. Forget Shark Week, its Denzel WEEK. I actually had never seen this movie. But I was in search of Denzel this week and it popped up and boom.

This is really odd movie. A star studded cast. Bunch of A listers in this. It is an adaptation of an older movie and book? It is Sci Fi? I think? Ok let me try to explain.

Denzel is a major in a military operation in Kuwait. Something goes down there that is not good and people are killed. They come back to the states, they being him and his platoon . When they come back they have very different memories of what happened than what actually happened. Which seems like it should be the story. But it kind of is?

Liev Schreiber was in his platoon and is like a big politician now. Who is the next Vice President candidate for the United States. He is the son of famous congressperson who is played by Meryl Streep.

Well how this all comes together is something like fucked up happened in Kuwait, these doctors working on government contract, input chips into all of their shoulders to make them forget all their memories. Denzel catches wind and rips his out and goes on this spree of trying to like tell everyone involved what happened. Umm meryl Streep like has role in it? JON VOIGHT is in it and GETS MURDERED BY LIEV SCHREIBER. Haha typing this out it is really insane. Jefferey Wright cameos as a CRACKED out solider having horrible dreams. IT is A LOT.

It border line stinks honestly. But, its just interesting enough that kept me going. I did have to google the ending to figure out what the fuck I just watched. So I encourage you to watch and see if you can figure it out. This is a bottom of the barrel, barely scrapping by SOLID FILM. Albeit pretty ridiculous. But its Denzel and a bunch of people so its enough.



