I mentioned I have a thing for Ben Affleck movies. Well that is because they are always REALLY fucking good. But, I guess as the saying goes, all good things come to an end. Holy shit. This movie was just dog crap from start to finish. I am shocked Affleck agreed to do this film. I feel like one look at this script would have made him laugh and walk away. Maybe he’s short on funds now that he’s back with JLO? Owed some body a favor?
This movie is about Ben Affleck being a detective, and his daughter disappears. Ok.. I am intrigued and ready. And than within about 15 min, you realize its due to some weird guy who is able to basically hypnotize people and get them to do anything he says with a couple of choice words. And, there is a whole community of them! And Ben works with one of the top ones, to catch the mastermind one who somehow came after his daughter. It is absolutely stupid and ridiculous, uninteresting and we need to all find out what blackmail Ben was under to agree to this disaster. Uninteresting and the only thought this provoked was when does this end and who does Ben owe. This movie STINKS. That is a review.