Jennifer Connelly is in a pretty remarkable amount of GREAT MOVIES. I did the SHAQ “im sorry I was not familiar with your game” when I looked at her imdb. This is not one of them lol.

This movie actually is fucking ridiculous. Really ridiculous. It is the ridiculousness of the movie that had me bump it up to a 6. There is actually nothing about this movie that is solid. BUT, I could not look away.

Ok, this immigrant from IRAN who moves to America for a better life buys this foreclosed home. This man is trying to get back to a place of prestige as he was a famous and rich man in Iran who lost everything. OH this guy is Ben Kingsley. Shout out.

The house he buys is Jennifer Connelly’s that she inherited from her dad and hasn’t paid a dime of taxes or anything on it so they take her house.

She doesn’t take to kind to this and goes absolutely insane. And then befriends a cop who randomly does psychotic shit with her because he wants to have sex with her, so she can get the house back.

It is the absurd back and forth all movie about them trying to bully this dude to leave the house lol. There are gun shot scenes that will make you laugh, situations that will make you go HOW THE FUCK IS THAT EVEN LEGAL AND WHY DID HE DO THAT etc. Just an insane amount of stupidity. Which makes for a movie that I was engaged in and enjoyed enough to make it worth ONE watch. That is a review. It is a SOLID FILM. Kinda.



