REALLY GOOD MOVIE. Honestly I thought this was going to come out in the 8’s. If you told me you thought this was a low 8, you would have no argument fro me.

What a fascinating portrayal of aliens arriving on earth. EVERY SINGLE alien movie seems very similar, minus maybe Arrival. This one, wow what an angle it takes. An alien spaceship lands on earth, and seemingly becomes stuck, hanging over South Africa. A piece of the ship is seeing falling off and they believe this is what has caused this. For months the world does not know what to do and finally they go. up to the ship and saw it open. The aliens inside, which look like walking prawns, are so malnourished and in bad shape.

The humans bring them down as refugees and create a gigantic refugee camp for the aliens. Showing compassion of some sort. Which is so different than the normal, WE MUST KILL THEM or a fight breaks out. The movie treats aliens like real life refugees which I thought was a very thought provoking undertone to the movie when you think about all the refugee camps world wide.

The movie acts originally as a documentary as one of the humanitarian workers walks you through his day going through the camp informing all the aliens that they will be soon moved further away from the city, as they are causing the residents trouble and getting more and more out of control. Said worker, the main character, ends up finding something he should not have found. A device they have been working on, which, we as viewers are unclear, is a weapon or meant for something else. But, he becomes infected with this, and slowly starts to become one.

The rest of the movie is about the humans completely turning their back on him and his fight for survival as he, which each passing hour becomes more and more infected and more and more alien. He then realizes his only allies are the aliens.

The ending is a touching ending. Will have you a bit in your feels. Maybe more. I really think this movie was awesome. I am disappointed it didn’t land in the 8’s, as I type this MAY be a miss-score as I think this is def a low 8 BUT, gave my original score off the dome already but know it is absolutely worth a watch. Really fucking good. That is a review.



