I am not gonna lie, I think Nicholas Cage is the weirdest actor of my life. And honestly, I think he really sucks. 98% of his movies to me, are absolutely ass. They just are. They are either really stupid plot wise, completely over acting by him, but usually BOTH. He just always is doing that voice, which I think is his voice, but it annoys me and his mannerisms annoy me and I just think he’s the worst. So a 4.5 is generous for one of his films.
Their is a serial killer on the loose in Alaska (John Cusak) who by the way, also a really weird actor to me, not in a good way. Never like him in anything. Anyway, he’s on the loose, and Nick Cage is the detective and they play cat and mouse as he tries to pin him for the murders.
Now this is a TRUE STORY which if you read anything I right, I have the theory that you can’t make a bad true story movie. It actually IS a WILD story of murders. It just to me was poorly directed, the cast was absolutely awful, I mean for gods sake 50 cent makes multiple appearances as a pimp. Do I need to say more? CRAZY STORY, would have rather watched it as a documentary instead of having to watch Nick Cage buzz around Alaska saving the day. Movie STINKS. That is a review.