A really twisty turny crime thriller with an absolute all star cast. Sean Penn, Kevin Bacon and Tim Robbins all star in this film. As boys, the 3 are playing out in the street when a guy pretending to be police officer comes up to them and drags one of the boys into the back of the car for drawing their names in wet cement. But the man is just pretending and they take the boy to a house and do what you think they do to him. For 4 days. That is the opening scene.
Flash forward to when they are all adults, they all still live in the same neighborhood but the friendship did die. We see the boy (Tim Robbins) clearly is not all together as a man as he suffered greatly. We all see Sean Penns 19 year old daughter get brutally murdered. Things get tricky when the lead detective Kevin Bacon is the third friend from the childhood. They get even more tricky when the lead suspect becomes Tim Robbins character.
I really enjoyed this movie and I think it most certainly is worth a watch. This is a REALLY GOOD MOVIE. The ending will make you feel some type of way. I don’t know which way but certainly it will. And that is always the mark of a higher end movie. That is a review.