I was SO happy when I saw this pop on Netflix. Brand new. I was thrilled because I read the book. And I REALLY enjoyed the book. I found the book on Barack Obama yearly. book recs. Then in the opening credits I find out HIM AND MICHELLE produced the movie. That is really cool.

All star cast of A listers (Ethan Hawke, Julia Roberts, Marashala Ali and Kevin Bacon). I always think the book is better than the movie. It is so hard to turn a great book into a great movie. They came close. This is a high end REALLY GOOD MOVIE. I do not think it was excellent, but still a 7.7 is a very great score.

It is movie about a world in which the start of something very devastating is about to happen and then starts to happen to the United States. The main couple happens to be one of the lucky ones who are on vacation when it starts at an AIR BNB right out side the city. In the middle of the night the house owner and his daughter come to the house, escaping the city before the madness, and explain something has happened in the city, they do not know how big it is yet but they would feel safe staying. A very strange request that is eventually allowed. Over the next 48 hours it is evident something EXTREMELY bad is happening to the country as all power , communication, satellites have been hacked and there is really no where to go as staying put is the safest choice.

I think this is an interesting way to go about an “apocalyptic” thriller type event in movie. I like the way they approached it. No one ever shows the lead up in slow motion as it is slowly starting to settle in that “things are not ok and will not be ok again”. They usually jump into the world after and the fight for survival. This takes you from exploration to acceptance and all ends before the survival. I liked it. The book is great too. That is a review.



