TRUE STORY. TRUE STORY. You know how I feel about em. ALWAYS gonna be good. It is weird when you watch a true story that makes you mad and you rate it good. It is like HEY THAT IS SO FUCKED, and than praise it. Gotta compartamentalize. Or however you spell that word. ALSO. Keira Knightly. OOF. She is just the hottest. Sorry did I type that.

We all know by now just how shitty the USA was in their reaction to 9/11. Everything. The war, GITMO, wasted money, torture, wasted lives the works. Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld just absolute scum of the earth. Many movies about it, including MY NEXT REVIEW. But for now this.

After 9/11 the USA tried to coerce the UN countries to vote in favor of the United States declaring war on IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN by making up the fact that Sadam Hussuien had weapons of mass destruction (he didn’t) and that he was connected to Al Qaeda ( he wasn’t) and somehow declaring war on those 2 countries would stop him and Al Qaeda from attacking everyone else. When really the USA just wanted to kill about of people.

One tactic they used was they sent an memo to England’s NSA asking them to dig up dirt on UN delegates from smaller countries to strong arm them and black mail them into voting in favor of this war that made no sense. This movie tells the story of the whistle blower in England who leaked this and then turned herself in, as she could not justify such blatant illegal activity.

Very interesting, very good acting, high end REALLY GOOD MOVIE. And kudos to her. She risked her life to try and do the right thing. The USA as we know ended up bypassing everyone and declaring war anyway and the rest is history. But Britain did stay out. As Tony Blair could not possible join after being exposed to this level. That is a review.



