I had to think about either rounding up or down here. But I could not. Usually I will round up or down based on something interesting or music or well, in this case, I could have rounded down for subtitles. I am a subtitle PERSON. I have to have them. Some people aren’t. So if you aren’t, you’ll be like F this movie. If you do not mind foreign films with subtitles, you’ll be okay with it.

This is a Korean thriller (starring a YOUNG Steven Yuen, which is awesome) that follows a poor young man who falls in love with a woman who disappears on him. They start a relationship and she has to leave out of town and asks him to watch his cat, and she never returns. Just doesn’t come back. And he is not a ladies man. This girl was out of his league. And now, he is freaking out and has to deal with this.

I enjoyed it. It really is a REALLY GOOD MOVIE. But BARELY. Absolutely barely. Could easily be a solid film. But that is what is great. Either way, it is worthy of watch. You have never heard of this movie, and if you do not hate subtitles, watch it. Subtitles are the book. Plus it is slow enough where you do not have to pay attention to EVERY second to understand what is happening.

That is a review.



