Just could not be further from my style of movie. That is all I can say. I do not enjoy pre 2000’s movies, I do not enjoy cheesy masculine shoot out movies, I honestly do not enjoy the whole Pacino, De Niro endless “gangster” roles they keep shoving at us for my whole life.
The acting is just really corny to me. The plot is really ridiculous. In no way would any of these heists get pulled off. Why is it only Al Pacino and like 5 other cops chasing these guys. THEY HAVE THE WHOLE FUCKING LAPD. Yet it is just those 6 people. And of course we all are supposed to think Al Pacino is the man. Robert De Niro has never been a believable gangster or criminal to me ever. Nothing about him.
This is just a bad excuse to execute a bunch of high level actors acting the same role they act in, in the same movie they are always in, with really corny 80’s acting and shootouts with no substance ( it was made in the mid 90’s so that makes it worse they are still doing bad 80’s style films). It is just so on brand for Pacino and Deniro. This movie makes you feel nothing, doesn’t provoke a single thought, not particularly interesting, pointless love stories that make no sense and a wannabe super great smart movie that just absolutely STINKS. Oh and its THREE FUCKING HOURS. No more pre 2000 movies or Pacino/ Deniro movies for me again. Hate em. Honestly, I have no idea how the score even ended this high. That is a review.