This is an OUTSTANDING MASTERPIECE. Steps up to the microphone and taps the microphone to make sure it’s working and yells from top of my lungs “THIS IS AN OUTSTANDING MASTERPIECE.”
To be expected from Denis Villenueve. He seems to only make masterpieces. This sci-fi drama is unlike any alien movie I have ever seen. From a perspective never approached before. Amy Adams a world renowned linguistics professor is brought in with an elite crew as a last chance effort to communicate with alien life that has landed on earth in 12 different countries, all in these huge pods. She is brought in to try some how to figure out a way to communicate with these creatures before the world turns to World War 3 in panic.
It is just a really fascinating premise and an all time script. It is one of the most though provoking movies I have ever seen and I think the ending has to be an easy top 4 top provoking endings ever to be created. It will leave your head blown off and debating what you would do with anyone you know. Shout out Jeremey Renner for playing a great role as well in this movie. Hall of Fame director and 2 Hall of Fame performances by A listers with a top 4 finish ever? That is a review.