That lady I mention a lot who always is playing some crazy ass character in movies. Well she is at it again. Rosamund Pike. Being peak crazy lady.
She plays a woman who completely rips off lonely old people with no family, basically getting them to unknowingly commit to homes (they are in on it) and sign over all power of attorney and robs them blind. It is a genius hustle. Until she does it to the wrong person. This unassuming elder woman appears clean on paper, no family. There is a reason why her son has to be invisible though. And it’s a reason that is not good for Pikes character. The son is played by Peter Dinklage, and I will tell you what, MOB BOSS Peter Dinklage is just as awesome as Game of Thrones Peter Dinklage.
Rosamund Pike and Peter Dinklage then proceed to go out on an all out war with each other throughout the whole movie as Dinklage tries to save his mother while Pike tries to save herself and “career”. Just an absolute really fun thriller. Honestly it would be higher there are just no visuals and I have to stay true to my scoring system. Very high REALLY GOOD MOVIE that is border line excellent. That is a review.