This will be my favorite review I have ever written. What if I told you, that in the good old year of 2002, Matthew McConaughy, Christian Bale and Gerard Butler all got together and decided they were going to make a movie about the world being destroyed by real live fire breathing, deadly dragons. And in this world they are all fighting for survival as they hide from these monsters. Until one day they decide they are going to fight back and save the world. What if I told you in this movie McConaughy is bald with ridiculous facial hair? What if I told you Bale and Gerard and their survivors live underground in a castle starving year round, living like peasants, but some how McConaughy and is crew have tanks, helicopters (where the gas comes from I don’t know AND WHO THE HELL CARES), and both somehow have all the guns and ammo in the world.

What if I told you McConaughy and his team jump out of helicopters from 40,000 feet (but helicopters don’t go that high, OH SHUT UP, in this world they do) and they jump out of the helicopters to try and shoot out of a bazooka a netting that captures the dragons. That’s right. And what if I told you that all they have to do is fine 1 male living in the earth to end the species. Well, what I am telling you EXISTS!

Now it takes some of that McConaughy charm to convince ole Chris Bale and his team of peasants to join on this expedition to save the world (but aren’t there a million better options than underfed malnourished peasants, NO TIME FOR THAT ITS GOD DAMN CHRIS BALE AND GERARD BUTLER), but of course, Christian can’t sit the mission out. This movie is like if Interstellar had a baby with Game of Thrones and then cheated on it with, well actually no its really just like Game of Thrones without all the love and drama and BS and they say fuck these dragons instead. It is a wild ride. A ridiculous film in the best way possible with an all star cast. I had ZERO idea this movie even existed. TBH, I bet all 3 of these guys wish the same.

“They’re highly intelligent, highly evolved and they don’t like sharing the planet”

” Fight Fire With Fire”

Are the two slogans on the front of the movie. I bet this has a 12% on Rotten Tomatoes but you did not come to Rotten Tomatoes did you? You came here and by god I tell you this is a REALLY GOOD MOVIE if you take it with 0% seriousness. For gods sake McConaughy goes by the name Denton Van Zane and is bald. That alone deserves your attention. Shout out to game of thrones for totaling ripping off this American cinema classic. That is a review.



